Invitation for cooperative and creative action of Educators

Youth and everyone involved with the protection and integral development of our children.


Specific actions at the local school and community, virtual interactions, events, campaigns, exhibits, games, videos, celebrations, lectures, music, art and poetry, gatherings.


Technologies, Reflective Practices, Co-Creation, Conflict Resolution, Connections, Exchanges, Art and Sport, Self-Knowledge, Expression.



Continuous actions, objectives, values, timelines, partners, school, community, culture, environment.


Culture of Peace Living Library, References, Referrals, Links, Books, Videos, Websites Games, Courses, Consulting, Regular Celebrations.

There is a shared sense of urgency in face of our everyday reality of violence against children, adolescents, women, nature.

A great challenge was presented to all educators and peace workers with the UN Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals, in special SDG 4 - Quality Education -and SDG 16 - Peace and Justice.

The central focus of this program:

  • to provide children and youth with access to education for peace and life preservation activities
  • to offer guidance and resources - methodologies, tools, libraries - to educators, parents, health professionals, social assistants, justice servants who provide services to local communities
  • to offer support and resources to educational systems
  • to promote the creation of Education for Peace local networks